Can you audit a Website?

Written by
October 7, 2021

Yes, website audits are a thing! You might be wondering what website audit services entail. Well, they are designed for website owners who need help with navigating the complexities of website design and web development. Website audit services or SEO audit processes can be done by an expert consultant or through an automated tool. Either way, they will provide you with ways to improve your website so it’s more effective in terms of conversion rate optimization and generating revenue for your business.

Website Can You Audit A Website?

How do I audit a Website manually?

It takes a lot of time and effort to do a manual site audit. Conducting a site audit is no easy task, especially for older, more extensive websites, even seasoned SEO experts. An audit tool is required when a website has thousands, tens of thousands, or thousands of pages and resources. However, a manual component is still necessary for an effective audit. Luckily, various SEO tools are available to make website audits even easier.

We have our Website Audit tool, but several of these new ones have appeared since we started. For example, Ahrefs has its version, SEM Rush has its auditor, and even specific niche-specific tools like Screaming Frog and Sitebulb specialize in auditing.

These are all premium (paid) SEO tools, but they have the most exemplary reputation for being thorough, accurate, simple to use, and comprehensive. However, it’s vital to remember that the capability and reliability of a free and paid site audit tool are vastly different.

What does a Website audit check?

Website SEO audit services check your website performance. For a successful website, website performance is critical. Visitors are irritated by websites that take a long time to load, so they seek speedier alternatives. However, even a one-second delay in page loading times can cost your company hundreds of dollars in lost revenue and a loss in rankings.

According to one study, 79 percent of web users prefer to shop at online stores that offer a high-performance and user-friendly experience. Furthermore, 40% of users will abandon a website if it takes longer than three seconds to load. In addition, 44% of internet customers will inform their friends about a negative purchasing experience.

A website audit will assist you in the following ways:

  • First, examine the technological framework and infrastructure of your website.
  • Examine your website’s search engine optimization.
  • Examine how simple it is for visitors to browse the website.
Google My Business Seo Audit - Seo Audit Consultant - Seo Audit Proposal - Tools For Seo Audit - Seo Audit Benefits

How much does a Website audit cost?

The price of a site audit is determined by several criteria, including:

  • What is the approximate size of your website?

There are fewer pages to analyze on smaller websites. They may be audited in a matter of days instead of weeks or months for larger websites. On the other hand, large-scale websites can include hundreds of pages and require longer to evaluate thoroughly. An audit of a website with 150 pages will be more expensive than one with less than 50 pages.

  • What is your agency’s fee structure?

A more experienced agency with a team of pros will be more expensive. Although costly, working with such an organization has a lot of advantages. They understand the industry’s requirements and how to meet them. Your website will be safe in our hands. They are well-versed in SEO best practices.

Does the Website audit check the content?

The importance of solid content in SEO and converting users to your website cannot be overstated. However, it’s not the place to scrimp and save. A comprehensive website SEO audit report and site audit will reveal which pages are ranking for your target keywords — and which pages aren’t. It will also identify any pages with “duplicate” or “shallow” information.

Material that is too similar to another piece of content on your website is duplicate content and will have an impact on the website’s performance. Every page on your website should ideally serve a specific goal, and the content on those pages should be tailored to that reason. Unfortunately, Google search engines can interpret the same material as a sign that the content isn’t beneficial to users or that the webmaster hasn’t taken the time to create original content.

Website Can You Audit A Website?

How do you audit a Website?

A website audit can offer you a functional strategy that will assist you in achieving the following goals:

  • First, determine the flaws in your website and how to address them.
  • Analyze your competitors and apply what you learn to your advantage.
  • Examine your website’s SEO performance.
  • Make a strategy for the future of your website.

There are numerous tools available to you. For example, screaming Frog and Sitebulb are two excellent tools for conducting a thorough audit of your website. In addition, SEMRush has its auditor, and Ahrefs has its version.

How do I content audit a Website?

A content audit is a helpful tool for assessing the health of your content and optimizing it to generate the most traffic, leads, and conversions. That’s why 86% of businesses conduct content audits at least once a year. In addition, content audits are performed more than three times a year by 38% of these companies. A content audit may appear time-consuming, but it will save you time and resources while improving the return on your content marketing efforts and SEO efforts. Identifying Search Engine crawlers are part of SEO audit process.

  • Make a list of all of your content assets.

Make a list of all the content assets that you’ll be auditing. You’ll need to gather the URLs of the web pages and the metrics linked with them for this.

  • Data collection and analysis

Gather information on the performance of each of your content items, including information such as:

  • The total number of backlinks
  • Positions in the SERPs
  • The total volume of traffic generated
  • Bounce rate = the number of page views divided by average session length
  • The number of social media shares
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How long does a Website audit take?

It is not uncommon for a detailed audit of a more extensive website to take anywhere from 2-3 weeks to complete. On the other hand, an audit may take 2-3 days for smaller websites that want to understand how their website is working.

The size of your website partly determines the length of time it takes to complete an SEO audit. For example, it may only take a week to audit your site if it has 10 to 15 pages. However, if your website has more than 100 pages, your audit may take longer than 45 days.

How much should I pay for an SEO audit?

You should expect to pay between $650 and $14,000 for an SEO audit, depending on whether you’re a small-to-midsize business (SMB) or a large corporation. Granted, if you’re a more prominent firm with a more extensive website, your SEO audit expenses will be higher than if you’re a startup with a tiny website. However, several factors influence the cost of your SEO audit, including the size of your website. That’s why this guide delves into what SEO audits entail, as well as what factors impact their cost in 2021. That way, you can figure out how much an SEO audit should cost your organization.



When it comes to optimizing your website, doing regular site audits is a crucial job. You can keep on top of your website maintenance by detecting all issues as they arise before they become too hard to handle. In this manner, you can address any issues one at a time and ensure that your website is optimized for SEO. SEO site audit and the website audit service are content marketing strategies.

Can you audit a Website?





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