How Long Does Website Audit Take?

Written by
November 27, 2021

Professional And Reliable Website Audit Service

(#1 Tool Trusted By 20,000 Sites!)

A website audit usually takes a few days. However, this time may vary depending on the size of the website. Sometimes it will take over a week to complete if it’s an extremely large site with many easy fixes from a content perspective. Website audit services (SEO audit services) from Local Interactive will scan and analyze your site and its files and give you a complete report of what is taking up space and cluttering your database.

It should take no more than 24 hours. For those of you unfamiliar with website terms, this means we’ll be scanning all the content on your web server and checking for security patches to see that there aren’t any vulnerabilities that could lead to errors or hacking attempts. As for the cost, various factors influence price, such as turnaround time and complexity, which need to be considered before an estimate can be provided. For more information, please visit our pricing page at Local

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What happens in a website audit?

A SEO website audit is a process for analyzing and improving the performance, usability, and user experience. Website audits generally conclude with recommendations to improve your site in search engine optimization (SEO) and conversion rates. Errors that may not be causing problems yet but will significantly reduce traffic due to decreased rankings could appear on the surface only to be uncovered when audited.

Fixing these errors now may mitigate future adverse effects, such as an increased bounce rate or even damage to your company’s reputation. Website audit services (website SEO audit services) should focus on what you need to do and what you have done right, which often goes unrecognized while trying to seek out flaws at every turn. 

How much does it cost for a website audit?

The average cost for a website audit is $850. Website audits generally take up to 3 hours of labor, including an analysis of site SEO strategy, design elements, site architecture, website conversion rates, and lead generation potential.

There are certain things that any domain registrar like Local Interactive can do at no charge (provided the client allows these tasks to be done). Still, most professionals charge clients for more precise or specialized reports. A typical audit includes:

  • The initial discovery phase.
  • Competitors’ research phase.
  • On-page SEO audit.
  • External link profile research phase.
  • Keyword usage phase.

The amount of what is included in the report depends upon the specific goals by the client and the completion time requested. 

Is it possible to go for a complete website audit?

YES. Website audits are necessary when you have not performed one in a while or when your site is being heavily trafficked, and things need to be tweaked or optimized for holistic performance.

Website audits typically provide insight on where the website strengths and weaknesses may be, offer recommendations on how to optimize existing pages, identify opportunities for conversion, advise on what channels of traffic should be focused upon depending on objectives (paid/organic/traffic sources), provide recommendations for new initiatives that can help improve website conversions, tell you which aspects of your visitor experience are working well and not working at all. Truthfully they’re usually more comprehensive than anyone who hasn’t done one would ever imagine.

What is a full website audit?

A full website audit is a process of checking for any security issues on a website. This can include outdated passwords, cross-site scripting, malicious redirects, malware notices, SQL injection flaws, and other possible vulnerabilities. The report will recommend changes to fix any broken links or potential exposure points for malicious attacks. And also involves a comprehensive examination of a business’ website to identify existing and potential problems or risks, as well as recommendations for solving those issues. The auditor will also provide recommendations for avoiding similar situations in the future. The results are typically a report with a list of findings and recommendations.

Website audits can help you recognize how your site stacks up against other companies in the same competitive space. You may find that your competition is doing something much better than you are or that they’re performing poorly under an assumption that has been proven not to be true – say marketing on Facebook – which means there’s room for growth there as well!  

When you request a website audit from Local Interactive, we review all aspects of your site ranging from HTML tags and technical coding to graphics design.

How do you audit a website?

Website auditing is a process in which you check just about everything that is on the website, such as browser compatibility, organization of the site and navigation, all input fields and form fields, broken links to other websites or pages within site, errors through accessing the site through different browsers, etc. Many free online web audit tools can support this seo audit process. If there are any SEO-related features, it’s mandatory to test them separately with its tool. The audit checks for any poorly coded forms on your website by inserting junk data into each form field and submitting them while looking at their error messages in the client-side javascript validation function or server-side validation function. 

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Is website audit check the performance?

YES, a website audit checks the performance of the website. However, many different parameters can be prevented, such as whether or not Google Analytics tracking has been implemented and if all web pages on the site have a title meta tag.

A site’s appearance is also examined, including its coding, search engines optimization, ease of use with HTML5 HTTP protocol, and a strong font style for readability. It is imperative to participate in a monthly or biannual website assessment to make changes to keep up with industry standards and clients’ changing needs. These types of evaluations typically last from 20-30 minutes each, depending on how large your business’s website is.

Does the website audit check the graphics?

YES. It checks the following aspects of your website’s graphics:

  • Image dimensions are correct, especially the width to height ratio 
  • Image resolution is not too low, typically 180dpi or higher
  • Text is readable against white backgrounds
  • Backgrounds are appropriate for website theme 
  • The contrast between text and backgrounds is sufficient or at least tolerable 
  • Graphics do not “encroach” on other site areas – there should be sensible margins, borders, etc., that differentiate the extent of each element/area within a web page. If this isn’t present, it can give readers confusing information, negative perceptions, or even make browsing difficult by ‘clicking’ on these unwanted items by accident.

How long do SEO audits take?

SEO audits can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the website’s size and if there are any errors present. The SEO site audit includes search engine crawlers, in which robots crawl all pages for them to be analyzed. Any potential SEO issues are then highlighted for our team’s evaluation. If an error is found, it would generally only take moments to fix it once identified. Otherwise, higher-level SEO websites typically require less time due to their already established best practices in web design.


A website audit is an important process that can help your SEO company grow. Whether you want to make sure everything looks professional or need guidance on what steps to take next, a full website audit will cover all the bases and provide answers for any questions you may have. We’ve provided some insight into how long it takes for a complete website assessment; however, if this sounds like something you would be interested in hiring out, please contact us today at 212-500-1179 or visit our website at! Our team of experts is happy to discuss your needs with you over the phone or through email correspondence so we can come up with a plan tailored just for you.

How Long Does Website Audit Take?





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